Tips for Anger Management in Dementia

One of the biggest challenges for family members caring for a spouse or elder with any form of dementia is dealing with sudden outbursts of agitation and aggression. Most people with dementia experience behavioral changes during the course of the disease. Depending on their personalities and experiences, they may become anxious or repeat the same question or activity many times. These changes can be stressful for caregivers and are highly unpredictable. As the disease progresses, your loved one's behavior may seem inappropriate, childish, or impulsive. Aggression is a common behavior among dementia patients. Insulting, hitting, grabbing, kicking, pushing, throwing things, scratching, yelling, biting, and making strange noises are some of the ways they express their negative emotions. "People think of Alzheimer's as a memory disease," says Ephraim Zagelbaum, Founder and CEO of Personal Healthcare . “But, in fact, there are many neuropsychiatric symptoms. Alzheime...