Nutrition Needs of Older Adults

The correct diet of the elderly is a fundamental part of a healthy life. The impact of malnutrition in this population group implies, whether it is healthy individual or with established pathologies, an increased risk of contracting diseases and even mortality, the appearance of cognitive deterioration, anemia, difficulty in controlling many diseases and an acceleration of degenerative diseases, which already cause malnutrition. It is common to hear among the older adult population that they are not hungry. This is known as "physiological" anorexia as explained by Ephraim Zagelbaum, Founder and CEO of Personal Healthcare , a respected nursing home company. “It has multiple causes, the main one being social, since a lot of older adults are alone and do not cook or do not want to eat because they are alone. In addition, another cause can be oral health due to pain when chewing. There is also a decrease in taste buds, which makes it difficult to appreciate the flavors of f...