The Nursing Profession Within the United States

In essence, nursing has always been a part our society. Today, the health care industry provides somewhere around 13.5 million jobs, which makes it 8 out of the 20 fastest growing occupations, as well as the country's largest industry. As Ephraim Zagelbaum , the founder and CEO of Personal Healthcare and explains, compared to other industries, health-care is expected to realize a significant increase in the number of career opportunities across the spectrum of its many specialties. His company currently owns 10+ nursing homes within New York and Massachusetts with more than 1,300 beds. According to that, his company offers a big number of job opportunities. One of the biggest nursing home within Personal Health Care is Tarrytown Hall Care Center , based in Tarrytown, NY, with a total of 120 beds. But of course, nursing wasn’t always as consolidating as it is today. As a matter of fact, Ephraim Zagelbaum states, it took years and years for it to grow and reac...